Friday, March 07, 2008

Pre Mapping

Before adding the textures to the model i am setting up so UVW maps so that all the models can have textures that can be easily created in Photoshop. Creating UVW UNWRAPS of the models can allow a user to "break up" into sections ready to be textured, in this case i have split the galleries cave model into 45 of these maps.

Using a checker map I can foresee how a texture applied will look like later on. Using a checker map I can see if any squares are stretched or twisted if this is the case the textures applied later on will be the same. To prevent this, vertex points and polygons need to be moved to eventually get a map that has a good checker map such as below.

After this the UVW map needs to be rendered then saved ready for textures to be paced in Photoshop. Below is one section that had ben rendered. This is a flattened image of the actual model section.

In my case because i have alot of maps to go through i need something to help me when im about to texture. I place various colours on polygons and also paint arrows on the map in Photoshop so i know which what and where to place the textures later on. Simple but effective.

For the floor sections i have used a yellow colour to show where the edges meet the walls, this is going to be used for the dirty area where the floor does not get walked on.
I feel when i work this way the more help i give myself in the early stages the better it is later so i can focus on texturing the maps instead of pulling my hair out because the texture - does not look right, or is not where it should be. So this logical process can be a benefit to someone else!