Tuesday, March 25, 2008


On this post i am going to briefly show you how how i lit the cave area. I used alot ALOT of Omni lights and used fairly short attenuation. Most of the lights are cream or brown in colour to just give a more murky look.

For stairs i like to use a directional light - to cast shadows from each step to the next and then a set of omni lights to create the actual lighting for the highlights.

For the hallways i used a set of omni lights with short attenuation and created a set for lighting the floor, then directly above for the rest of the hallway.

Again the hallway set lights can be seen, and in the distance i used the technique for lighting a room. The reason i didnt use one or two lights for lighting the whole room is that i wanted alot of shaded areas and using a various amount of these omnis allowed me to do this.

Finally for the exit room this was quite well lit in the photos so for this i decided to use just a couple of lights.