Ok, so to kick start off with the Games Design we have to create a card game that follws a few simple rules...
1) The game must be original and use no further components E.g dice, boards tokens.
2) Be for a minimum of 2 players and last longer than 5 minutes (no more than 20)
3) Must have a typed rule sheet.
So with this i thought of random thoughts and stared out of a window or two to come up with 2 games... Diamond Cut and Juke
After consideration of rules and a means to win the games Juke was the one that i will concentrate on - as the other was pants!
- All things bright and Multimedia (6)
- Artefacts - Rendering The Real World (20)
- Client Project One (1)
- Client Project Two (21)
- Final year portfolio Stuff and Co... (1)
- Games Design - 3D Model (4)
- Games Design - Card Game (8)
- Games Design - Level Making (4)
- Image Processing and VR (1)
- Image Processing and VR - Image Portfolio (3)
- Image Processing and VR - Virtual World (12)
- Metal Frog (1)
- Nottingham Forest Football Stadium (1)
- Photoshop Turorials (6)
- Sound (2)
- Sound - Recording and mixing a band (6)
- SPP 2 (3)
- The Verve At Nottingham Arena 11-12-07 (1)