After finding my friend Atif, I politely (forced) asked him to read my rules on the previous blog to see if they were clear enough to understand. He gave me the thumbs up but asked about the special cards. I told him that I have not thought of them all yet but they will change the balance of a game quickly, so a player who thinks he is on the verge of winning with a massive pointscore can be juked and lose everything!
He was excited.
- All things bright and Multimedia (6)
- Artefacts - Rendering The Real World (20)
- Client Project One (1)
- Client Project Two (21)
- Final year portfolio Stuff and Co... (1)
- Games Design - 3D Model (4)
- Games Design - Card Game (8)
- Games Design - Level Making (4)
- Image Processing and VR (1)
- Image Processing and VR - Image Portfolio (3)
- Image Processing and VR - Virtual World (12)
- Metal Frog (1)
- Nottingham Forest Football Stadium (1)
- Photoshop Turorials (6)
- Sound (2)
- Sound - Recording and mixing a band (6)
- SPP 2 (3)
- The Verve At Nottingham Arena 11-12-07 (1)