Friday, January 26, 2007

My ten images for image and VR have been completed, below are all of them with a quick little description o them. It was quite enjoyable doing this project i feel that i have learned alot more in Photoshop and went a bit into illustrator, all good!

Image Six - The Wasteland
I wanted to create a dry 'Infertile' land as described in the poem. I used the city in the distance emphasising the past.

Image Seven - Vermin
The kid in the middle is 'civilisation' and the guns are to emphasize people who are greedy (vermin) take without any cause of their actions and repercussions.

Image Eight - Girl With Music
The girl who is a prostitute remembers her past through the sound of a record player (music lines) and the children swinging away in the left of the picture brought this together. Quite like this one!

Image Nine - Hope
The rain symbolizes hope, following the poem.

Image Ten - Cemetery
It's too late.

Image One - Colonnade
A women's past is that of seeing her man (who's in a war)for the first time, i brought this together with the use of the first stanza - the flower bulbs, and lilac colours.

Image Two - Destroyed City
A simple scene of what war brings.

Image Three- Psychic
A women goes to see a psychic about her man at war, the cards are death. I quite liked this image as i used a fair few techniques to achieve the final outcome.

Image Four - Face in the crowd
This shows the view of one person in a crowd and the rest blurred out, showing loneliness even in a crowded place.

Image Five - Rich Girl
This is my favourite image, i used Photoshop and Illustrator for this one and i quite liked how the girl came out. This is a rich girl who doesn't have her man with her. She is trapped in her home and emotionally so i wanted her to look this way on the bed.

Well it was complete a long time ago but i cant be bothered to use this blog thing that often - but here it is...

After playing it absolutely loads of time i still enjoy it and hopefully everyone does too. With the main goal of getting the most points - round by round a player can see themselves come from last place to fisrt with some intelligent play and a bit of that luck that all games need!!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Surround sound shifts the balance of audio playback from one dimension (left/right) to two or three dimensions (left/right front/back and center). This gives a more realistic audio environment actively used at cinemas. There are different formats of 5.1 but the most common is Dolby 5.1 surround. The .1 is the channel sent to a subwoofer.

There are two different types of surround sound; digital & analogue.

Analogue surround sound creates audio from rear channels by artificially extracting the common sounds between the left and right channels and the centre channel finds the differences between them all to give its own output.
Digital surround sound gives more directions from which you can send sound to the listener; each direction requires a separate channel. The common multichannel configurations available in consumer products today are 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 systems.

There are a few ways to set up surround sound, the simplest uses several speakers around a listener to play audio simultaneously. Another method is to set up the speakers where the wave fronts come together in a central point “sweet spot” in the room and the wave front is subtracted as you move away from the point.
Another way uses WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) which distributes sound waves evenly over a whole area so there is no particular ‘sweet spot’ this used particularly within arenas and music clubs. This is at a far greater cost of using multiple loudspeakers and a computer system that can control them.
For sound engineering purposes lets say an engineer wants to create a 5.1 Mix and distribute it on an audio CD the software will need to split the tracks into 6 output destinations that have been processed by the engineer. Left rear, right rear for example. So you could have the song playing in all the speakers and say have added sound effects in the rear speakers. Much like movies where a car coming from the right of the screen will come from the right speakers and move to the left as the car travels off screen.

A sound card that has either 6 channel analogue out connected to the speakers OR a digital-out soundcard (S/PDIF) these digital soundcards are indicated by their logo below.

A lot of computers nowadays have these types of soundcards for the commercial use of home theatre systems. They are easily obtainable and more and more people go for this advanced way of hearing sound.
Setting it up is quite easy too now on Windows XP, simply by going into the advanced sound properties and selecting 5.1 or whatever. On some P.C’s there is small program where the speakers can be altered so that some may be louder than the other (good for awkward shaped rooms). After this they are all set up and ready for use!
For the portfolio of images project I need to construct a minimum of ten images which must be printed and compiled in the form of a ‘book’. The images must portray my personal point of view on the subject/theme of the chosen text. The text I have chosen to work on is The Wasteland by T.S Elliot.

Before I can start creating my ten images for The Wasteland I need to read through it and create some notes about each part of the poem – these notes will influence the final outcome of my images.

Part 0ne – Burial of the Dead

Is describing April as a cruel month, neither living or dead. The speaker (Marie) is re-telling the first meeting she had with her lover. The first stanza shows romantic memories at first and then horrifying imagery which continues in the rest of the poem.

Told from the soldier’s point of view – maybe Marie’s lover? He is passing through a destroyed city, buildings and churches. It shows he’s lonely and his shadow follows him around but is obscured by man made objects. ‘I will show you fear in a handful of dust’. The land is barron and debris is scattered after the war, he remembers being in the garden (Colonnade). He couldn’t show his feelings until he has thought about it now – when he has time.

Somewhere else a woman has gone to seek out what has happened to her lover in the war. The card is a drowned sailor where the eyes we’re pearls signifying that many have died a while ago. A lot of women have come to see about their loved ones.

Describing London through the eyes of a soldiers wife, exhausted and confused she follows the crowd into the city. She passes a church and heard the death toll.

Part two – A Game of Chess

The author references to Cleopatra and her first encounter with Anthony. The woman in the stanza is in a wealthy environment but is lonely and frustrated. She places a contrast of her emotional world of darkness, boredom and isolation. She was raped by her sisters husband ‘Barbaric King’ and is being persuaded by him, she is incapable of escaping, trapped in her mind and body.

Here are two parties expressing their inability to portray their feelings. ‘I never know what you are thinking’ She cant deal with the silence of her partner. The war is haunting this participant.
She is bored of being in the house with nothing to do (like the rich woman) She may be disloyal to her partner due to his lack of presence. He however is so far away and absent minded that he uses an illusion of playing chess – play the field – move on.

The two women are in discussion at a bar and one is on about getting her teeth fixed for her man so she is nice for her husband when he gets back. She is on pills preventing her from having anymore children but looks old due to them. The ironic message in the scene is that she is fertile but her body looks old and withering away – like a wasteland.

Part Three – The Fire Sermon

The land is dead with bare trees and empty spaces. The cities are empty with no human activity, they left against their will. The ‘rattle of bones’ personifies death and shows its recent triumph in the city. The stanza creates a mood of loss and sadness. The only thing in the city is the rats scuttling around near the dead corpses, the scene of flowing rivers now disrupted with bodies, pollution and fallen buildings.

An arrogant man walks in and demands service from the girl after he’s finished he just leaves. She smoothes her hair after the encounter – meaning she’s so used to it that its part of her life. Music is playing in the background which gives her the memories of the past. (scenes of happier days). The memories of bright colours everywhere, peoples conversations distant memories as they go into flames.

Part Five - What the Thunder Said

A vivid picture of a wasteland where once mountains where, mountains is personified symbolising ‘Nature’. Nature has the power to redeem itself (the seasons). Hope is invisible and is symbolised by rain. Cities were once built, destroyed. Built once more and destroyed again.

The above notes will help me as a ‘guide’ to the images I shall create. My initial thinking is to create the various images but with no text to neighbour them. Allowing the audience to ‘fill in’ the gaps with their imagination, mainly as we all think differently!!